Testimonials – Spiritual Warfare
Karl Payne presents the Biblical and practical aspects of the reality of spiritual warfare in a clear and simple fashion. His Biblical and theological orientation and his years of experience in front line activity are reflected throughout this book. He boldly presents a solid and reasonable challenge to incorporate a Biblical worldview regarding our battle with demonic powers. All those concerned with promoting Biblical discipleship should profit from his years of concerned and studied involvement in this ministry.
—C. Fred Dickason, Th.D.
Professor Emeritus of Theology,
Moody Bible Institute
Karl Payne’s desire to make a difference in the lives of others permeates everything he does. This is a must read for every artist, worship leader, musician, theologian and lay person. Here’s a practical handbook on dealing with spiritual warfare.
—Dr. Stephen Michael Newby
Seattle Pacific University
Director of University Ministries and Worship
Director of worship for Promise Keepers USA
As I read this book, four important words came to mind: graphic, practical, balanced and Biblical. Dr. Payne’s style grabs your attention with his graphic way of sharing facts; his practical insights help identify needs; his gracious words toward critics show loving balance; and his careful attention to Biblical truth commands respect. This book is a must read! “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1a). Karl Payne’s book will help believers walk in their freedom.
—Dr. Mark I. Bubeck
President Emeritus,
Deeper Walk International
Dr. Karl I. Payne has issued a provocative, Biblically based challenge for all Christians, regardless of their denominational, ecclesiastical or theological loyalties, to consider or reconsider the subject of spiritual warfare in general, and demonic warfare specifically.
He writes with the passion of a prophet, the urgency of an exhorter, the care and concern of a shepherd, the courage of an apologist and the clarity and transferability of a discipleship trainer. The tone and tenor of this book are neither patronizing nor pompous; it is as practical as it is pragmatic.
I am pleased to have the opportunity to recommend the reading and study of this insightful and timely book to Christians who desire to consistently win more battles than they lose while contending with the world, the flesh and the devil. This work is very meaningful to me personally because I have been experiencing a greater barrage of “the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Eph. 6:16). I suspect that he knows his time is short and he wants to do as much damage as he can to the cause of the grace of God in Christ, but I take comfort in knowing that “He who is in you (me) is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
—Earl D. Radmacher, Th.D.
President Grace Seminary and Bible Institute of the Northwest
President and Distinguished Professor of
Systematic Theology Emeritus, Western Seminary
Over the years my friend Karl Payne has helped me understand spiritual warfare in a way that is both rigorously Biblical and practical. I am excited to see his wisdom now in print for others to benefit as I have.
—Mark Driscoll
Founding Pastor of Mars Hill Church,
Seattle President of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network
President of The Resurgence Missional Theology Network
My friend Karl Payne has written a thoughtful book based on years of study of the Scriptures and personal experience counseling Christians under demonic influence and attack. You need not agree with all the author’s positions, but if you trust God’s Word then you are compelled to believe that there are powerful demonic spirits at work in the world, and that the goal of Satan, prince of demons, is to distract, deceive and devour us. Spiritual warfare is a reality, and the person most likely to lose the battle is the one least aware of it. I recommend Karl’s book to help you become more aware of our enemies’ strategies and to prepare yourself for spiritual combat.
—Randy Alcorn, author of
Heaven and Lord Foulgrin’s Letters
Books on spiritual warfare usually make me cringe. On one side, some authors write incendiary works that see a devil behind every bush and every sneeze. Inversely, other theological works often ignore the demonic realm completely, as if Satan is simply a metaphor, and not real. This work by Karl Payne is a Godsend. Finally we have a balanced and theologically sound examination of demonic oppression and possession. Karl Payne has written a book that offers hope to the believer, and help for those who struggle with the very real issues of spiritual combat. This book is an indispensable aid to counselors, teachers, theologians and laymen. Buy one for yourself, and another for your church library!
—Dr. Ergun M. Caner
President and Dean
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School
Today, I am largely the man I am because of how God used His Servant, Karl Payne, to teach me His Word. Specifically, Karl helped me understand the significance of acknowledging evil for what it is and pertinently determining the devil’s schemes and ploys. My understanding of God and His Word has largely been informed by how Karl taught me and discipled me —– our time in dealing with the realities of spiritual warfare, God’s enabling us to defend ourselves and His people from the advances of the enemy, and how I need to deal with my own sin in the context of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the boastful pride of life all combine to make me much more equipped to earnestly defend my faith than had I not had the privilege of being his student.
—J. Todd Peterson, NFL Placekicker, 1993-2006
Chairman of the Board
The Seed Company and Pro Athletes Outreach
I read Dr. Payne’s book very slowly so I wouldn’t miss one nugget of truth. He tackled the very difficult topic of spiritual warfare and he provided a clarifying tutorial for a subject that is too often handled like ‘hocus pocus!’ It is as rich as any book I have read in years. I feel like it is ‘Post-graduate’ level training for Ministry Warriors.
—Jackie Kendall
President of Power to Grow
Best-selling author of Lady in Waiting
Those of us ministering internationally frequently hear about spiritual warfare but it may seem distant and mysterious. Karl Payne takes a lot of the mystery out of this important subject. His book Spiritual Warfare is a thoughtful, scriptural presentation that I would recommend to everyone. Our enemy is real and active and Karl helps us understand how to fight this battle well.
—Durwood Snead
globalX North Point Ministries
With over fifty references of demonization in the New Testament where demon(s) inhabit a human being and control their mental and physical condition in varying degrees, spiritual warfare is very real. While it is a mistake to think that Satan and his demons can own human beings, do you know how to use your faith when confronted with this form of spiritual warfare? In our rational world and in a rare book, Karl courageously shares his experience and methods on how to free others from the bondage of demonization and in the process bring glory to our Lord.
—Douglas Mar, OD FAAO
Karl has written one of the clearest and most practical presentations on the realities of spiritual battle on the market today. I recommend this book everywhere I teach.
—Marcus Warner
Deeper Walk International
As a new Army Chaplain I ran into demon activity at my first duty station nearly twenty-eight years ago. My studies in seminary and my practicum never alluded to such an issue. I had neither experience in determining the source of what I was seeing nor knowledge of resources that may provide insight. In fact I didn’t even want to approach the situation, because I feared the evil creatures would expose my own shortcomings. Yet, I felt that as a representative of our Lord, I could not simply ignore what was happening. The murder of a Soldier was the disastrous result of demon activity I saw and it drove me to search out anything I could read on spiritual warfare. I found only a small selection of writings available from a biblical perspective ranging from storied personal experience to detailed explanations of demonstrative exorcism. It left me with the uncomfortable idea that there may be a demon under every rock. So, I did the best I could to avoid or ignore these situations in the future. I unhappily discovered that whether I am seeking personal spiritual growth or hope to assist others, this is not a subject that can be avoided. It must be addressed. After retirement while working on my own spiritual concerns, my younger brother recommended Spiritual Warfare, by Dr. Karl Payne. In it I found neither exaggeration nor sensationalism, but a well-rounded biblical view for determining the source of earthly spiritual conflict (the world, the flesh, or the devil) and how to proceed in finding resolution guided by the Holy Spirit. As a result I am personally energized in a victorious walk with the Lord and am learning to assist others in the same. I am convinced that this Transferable Cross Training will help the reader identify and resolve personal conflict issues, and enable the reader to then assist others. Dr. Payne presents an essential biblical perspective that does not sensationalize or trivialize any of the three arenas in which we do battle during our earthly pilgrimage. After a life-long search for a meaningful approach to spiritual warfare, I find Dr. Payne’s biblical approach to be essential for my own personal growth and for assisting others along the way.
—Chaplain (Colonel) Daniel M, Parker
US Army, Retired
As a pastor and apologist, Karl Payne’s Spiritual Warfare has been an invaluable resource for me. Karl’s treatment of the subject is rooted firmly in Scripture and is informed by firsthand, real world experience in counseling those whose lives have been assaulted by the enemy. This book has literally transformed my understanding of spiritual warfare and how I do ministry. If you’re looking for a resource that skips the sensationalism in favor of genuine, practical, Scripture inspired help, you need to get this book!
—Rev. Jason Carlson
Christian Ministries International
I remember well over twenty years ago reading Peretti’s This Present Darkness and the impact it made in my life concerning the reality of spiritual warfare in the believer’s life. In even a deeper way, Payne will take your understanding of spiritual warfare to a new level while providing sound biblical principles for you and your family to win against the devil’s schemes on a day-by-day, moment-by-moment basis.
—Dave Lawler
Family Ministries at Grace Fellowship
I have been helped in a tremendous way by Karl Payne’s book Spiritual Warfare. Spiritual Warfare has helped answer almost all of my questions about warfare and demonic attachments affecting Christians. I was brought up to believe a particular paradigm regarding spiritual warfare, but reality and life experience have proven my paradigm was wrong. Payne’s book tore away the veil and confusion that was blinding me eyes to the reality of spiritual warfare (particularly in relation to Christians) and how to deal with such matters. The book is extremely interesting, Biblical, balanced, and practical. Furthermore, this book actually helps the reader engage in spiritual warfare and ministry in a biblical and orderly manner. If you are a pastor, discipleship leader, or a follow of Jesus Christ you have the authority and power to see victims released from the grip of the enemy’s lies, deception, and accusations. I give this book 5 STARS and recommend it to all followers of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray this book will get into the hands of a million pastors around the United States…to both open the eyes and equip church leaders to help minister to their people in an area that have been totally forsaken for too long. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for giving Payne such wisdom, insight, experience, and discernment to help Christ followers like myself and others in our attempt to help set the captives free from a defeated enemy.
—Jesse Nelms
Missions Pastor of Grace Fellowship
Teacher/Administrator The Timothy Initiative
People are hurting. Between the world, the flesh and the devil, we sometimes feel overwhelmed and out-numbered! But, ‘greater is He that is in us than he that is in the World’. Karl Payne, in his book Spiritual Warfare, provides practical help for those who are serious about living a life of victory. Simple, transferable, and best of all, Biblically balanced. It is, by far, the best book I have ever read on the subject. I highly recommend Karl’s book to you and your congregation!
—David Nelms
Senior Pastor of Grace Fellowship
I have been a pastor for 44 years and been involved in Spiritual Warfare for over 40 years. Your book is the best book on subject that I have ever read. I received insights into passages that I had never seen before.
Your book is much needed in the church today, I purchased four copies for my children and grandson as I knew it would be helpful to them. Thank you for writing the book and for your ministry. May God continue to bless and use you.
—Ken McCallum
Retired Pastor
My friend and colleague, Karl Payne has done it again in another dynamic book. Karl is one of the evangelical world’s finest trainers in leadership development through Biblically transferable principles and materials. Yet, this time pulling from his days as a former athlete he hits a grand slam. Payne addresses the reality of the victorious work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit over demonic forces that are shackling believers, paralyzing leaders and stealing ground from God’s servants. This is not just a fine book, it is a tool that will assist you to live out authentic Christianity with godly confidence and not be seized with fear.
—Dr. Greg Kappas
President and Founder of Grace Global Network
I welcome the opportunity to recommend my dear friend Karl Payne and his research on a timely and difficult topic. Karl brings a wealth of research along with years of personal interaction to the subject of spiritual warfare. There is simply much judicious advice in this volume that can alert believers to some potential trouble spots that may save someone much pain and suffering. Even mature Christians can gain from considering these principles.
—Gary R. Habermas
Distinguished Research Professor & Chair
Liberty University & Theological Seminary
This book has transformed my life!! I use the principles learned in Dr. Payne’s book DAILY! I now have a filter for my business and personal life. This book taught me how to evaluate every situation; then determine do I run or resist?
—Matt Wimmer
Balance Advisor, Founder
I recommend this book to all readers that are either dealing with spiritual warfare or want to know more about spiritual warfare because it gives the reader a wonderful biblical guide about the opposition we as Christians can face and a biblical reasoning on how Christians can and will be demonized if we give Satan a foothold. This book helped me feel not so alone in what I was going through. It lead me to know that the demons I had, had no authority in my life through Jesus Christ. This book helped me realize what was happening to me and pointed me to the biblical passages to rid me of the demonic influence and oppression I was under. I am now able to experience true freedom in Christ.
—Connie Giltner
This book will undoubtedly touch a nerve with many but provide hope to far more. I believe Dr. Payne takes an honest, biblical approach to an age-old problem that has bound many within the church body. First and foremost it is biblical, but it also stands the test of reality. I am so thankful to Karl Payne for providing a practical and simple approach to the issue of spiritual warfare.
—Jason Elam
NFL Retired (Broncos; Falcons)
The Bible declares that ‘it was for freedom that Christ set us free.’ Freedom is every believer’s spiritual birthright, but we must fight for it. Spiritual Warfare by Karl Payne is a biblical, practical, and helpful book that is easy to read, understand, and use successfully to win that battle.
—David Poer
M.D. FACS, Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon, Indianapolis, IN
Karl Payne has provided each of us a detailed systematic, practical playbook for how to fight back against the schemes of the devil. Karl has always been willing to go where others have been afraid to go. He has been a teacher, a mentor, and a friend to me for 20 years. Read “Spiritual Warfare” and learn to use the weapons God has given each of us. Karl, thank you for persevering. Well done!
—John Kasay
NFL Kicker (Seahawks, Panthers)
As I read Karl’s book I felt refreshed and thankful for such a well-written, balanced, thoroughly biblical, and ever so practical book on the subject of Spiritual Warfare. Having been a missionary over 34 years and having dealt with demonic confrontation, I wish I had this book many years ago. It is a ‘must read’ for every believer because every believer is under the attacks of the Adversary and this book will show you how to be a constant over-comer. “Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Karl Payne is one of the best single volumes I have ever read on this important subject that affects all believers. While many Christian leaders either minimize this subject or sensationalize it, Dr. Payne presents a thoroughly balanced and biblical approach to not only understand what is involved in spiritual warfare but also presents the transferable lessons on ‘How to’ confront and gain consistent victory regarding demonic oppression and possession. I highly recommend this book to every believer who wants to understand Spiritual Warfare and live in consistent victory! I have known Dr. Karl Payne for over 25 years and had the privilege of serving with him on a pastoral staff. While together, Karl invited me to sit with him during several sessions like those described in this book where he spoke with teens who were being disturbed, mocked, and attacked by demonic spirits. What I observed was powerful, orderly, edifying, and tremendously liberating as he helped them recognize the source of their agony and the pathway through the Truth of Scripture to victory in their lives. I highly recommend every Christian to read, study, and apply the transferable methods found in Spiritual Warfare.
—Dr. Geoffrey W. Griffith
SIM Missionary (Serving in Mission, formerly the Sudan Interior Mission)
Adjunct Faculty, Columbia International University
Columbia, South Carolina
We are battling forces of spiritual darkness today, as in any time in human history. And ironically with all of our education, we may be less aware and prepared. Dr. Payne’s book meets a critical need in our world, and is an urgent wakeup call that we are in a war and we don’t have to be casualties. There are resources available for you!
—Dr. Roy L. Peterson
The Seed Company
If you want to do a deep study on spiritual warfare, I could recommend five titles that would give you 98% of what you need to know. If you only have time to read one, this is it.
—Jay Carty
Traveling Evangelist and Author
While living in Copan Ruins, Honduras, we quickly realized that we were unprepared for the spiritual warfare we encountered. Karl’s book Spiritual Warfare is a biblical, simple and reproducible approach to dealing with these very real battles which many of us face with the world, the flesh and the devil. We eagerly and highly recommend Spiritual Warfare to all mission agencies who are sending out laborers into an often times challenging harvest.
—Dr. Patrick and Debbie O’Connor
Career missionaries to Central America and S. Asia (Missions Door)
At times it feels like in conservative evangelical circles we have assumed that Satan retired sometime during the 1st century. We seem to believe that we are responsible to deal with our flesh and deal with the world, but we ignore dealing with Satan. Karl’s book is a balanced approach to facing all three challenges to our spiritual lives. As a pastor I was frustrated watching some people never be able to find “the victory” we talk about having in Jesus. Nothing they tried worked and the Christian counselors we worked with seemed to not be able to get anywhere either. We have seen men and women who have had no freedom for years, experience the freedom that Jesus offers. Dealing with the demonization has freed them to experience what they have always been told Christianity has to offer. I highly recommend this book for anyone in ministry or anyone who continues to struggle trying to relate to God with seemingly no relief or victory.
—Doug Wieber
Lead Pastor
His Place Evangelical Free Church, Post Falls, Id.
Everyone experiences spiritual warfare in one way or another. But very few Christians know how to fight the battle and be successful. Karl Payne shares relevant Scriptures and a wealth of personal experiences that enable you to prepare for spiritual combat and be victorious.
—Kerby Anderson
National Director of Probe Ministries
Host of the “Point of View” radio talk show
Pastor Karl Payne has written a book that is an extremely helpful resource to understand and respond to spiritual warfare. It is biblical, clear, and practical. Since all of us are confronted with spiritual struggles, this book is relevant for all of us. This book should be required reading in every Bible college, seminary, and every other Christian ministry and organization.
—Louis Lee
Before I began an itinerate ministry, I served 3 ½ years as an assistant pastor. During that time I found myself in counseling situations that were so complex they seemingly unsolvable. My 3 ½ years of tribulation was a sobering introduction to the great truth that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood.” Such a battle can easily overwhelm even those in places of leadership. If you are looking for a powerful war manual that is filled with experiential wisdom to help you in this battle, you will find Spiritual Warfare both balanced and biblical–a treasure trove of godly advice to get you around land mines placed by a very real enemy.
—Ray Comfort
Karl is a seasoned veteran and grounded thinker when it comes to addressing underlying spiritual issues. Karl’s love for people is only overshadowed by his love for Christ. He is a trusted source of biblical knowledge and current experience.
—Clyde Taber
Visual Story Network
Spiritual warfare is alive and well in people and the church today. The biggest problem is how much it is over looked, ignored, and not believed in. People are struggling with depression, sinful habits, constant voices in their head that could be a result of spiritual warfare and they don’t even recognize it. Dr. Payne’s book is the most comprehensive book written today on this subject. Pick one up and see your life and your church changed.
—Dr. Ken Hutcherson
Senior Pastor
Antioch Bible Church; Redmond, Washington
In his book Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization and Deliverance, Dr. Karl Payne provides an excellent and useful resource for understanding and combating spiritual warfare here on earth. Dr. Payne offers an in-depth look at spiritual warfare by equally focusing on the world, the flesh and the devil. He approaches the material with a confidence rooted in the name of Jesus, offering insights with heartfelt humility.
—Bob Creson
Wycliffe Bible Translators USA
I have a Master’s of Science degree in counseling and have a private Biblical counseling practice out of my home. Although I received my degree from a Christian Graduate school, I only had one or two class periods covering the topic of spiritual warfare and was assigned only one book to read. Although this wet my appetite, it was not until My husband and I seriously encountered the world of the demonic in our own daughter’s life while living overseas that I began to read much more vigorously on the topic. By the time I started my private practice, I was already encouraging my clients to engage in battle on all three fronts: the world, the flesh and the devil through the power of God’s Spirit. It was not until I read Dr. Payne’s book, Spiritual Warfare, however that I was given a crystal clear, transferable way to help my clients deal head-on with all three of their enemies! I was thrilled after reading his book because I had finally found a biblical, well thought out, un-sensational book that didn’t only talk about spiritual warfare but teaches you how to engage in it step by step as well! I praise God this book is FINALLY written…it has been long overdue!
—Darlene Kordic
My wife and I have been career missionaries for the past 26 years. A few months before moving overseas for the second time, our 13 year old autistic and mentally retarded daughter began hearing voices. Once we were overseas, the voices became very dark, demonic and blasphemous. After two years, we were forced to move back to the states although we have continued our ministry even until today. Through the years we have sought help from books and/or deliverance ministries but it was not until we read Dr. Payne’s book, Spiritual Warfare that we were given the clear and precise tools to deal with her enemy! There are many good books written today on this topic but my wife and I believe that this one is the best because it doesn’t only talk about spiritual warfare, it teaches you how to engage in it! Every believer needs to read this book!
—Craig and Darlene Kordic
Missionary couple
Scripture makes it clear that we have a real enemy. His objective is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He loves to devour (I Peter 5:8). And because he is crafty (Genesis 3:1) he loves to go undetected and ignored. In Spiritual Warfare, Karl Payne has provided a tool for every believer to recognize the enemy’s advances and stand against his attacks.
The truths laid out in these pages will inspire hope, give practical insight, and remind the reader that the life of God in every believer is greater than anything in the devil’s arsenal.
—Sean Dunn
Executive Director
Karl Payne’s book demystifies spiritual warfare. Dr. Payne gives well thought out balance to the necessity of and the means for dealing with “the world, the flesh and the devil.” He warns against blaming the devil for one’s fleshly desires and the world’s influence. In describing how to deal with Satan’s wiles, Dr. Payne tells us that no special giftedness is required. He writes that the obedient believer, walking with Jesus has His authority, power and protection in dealing with the devil, then he gives clear, practical ideas on how to do that This book gives the reader a healthy sense of the reality of spiritual warfare and the victory every believer can have as they face the enemy. If I could have only one book on spiritual warfare in my library, this would be that book.
—Betty McCartney
Retired Staff
The Navigators
Karl has been a friend and mentor for over 10 years. He does an excellent job of taking complex topics/issues and making them easy to understand, apply, and share with those that need the truth. He does the same with this book on Spiritual Warfare.
To be a successful hitter, it helps to know how the opposing pitcher is going to try to get you out. In this book, Karl shows how our adversary is going to try to take us out. He clearly lays out the ways that we will be attacked and biblically what we can do about it to have a victorious walk with Jesus.
—John Olerud
retired MLB
Lots of Christians talk about spiritual warfare, but few know what to do when someone needs deliverance. This book is not a theoretical discussion, but a practical guide on ministering to those who are victimized by the enemy. Karl’s comments are deeply rooted in the Bible and a biblical worldview. But his teaching also reflects wisdom acquired from over three decades of ministry.
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, Spiritual Warfare? Do you visualize the ‘deliverance ministries’ on television that thrive on publicity and their ability to create what might be called a spiritual circus? What if spiritual warfare were simply ordinary Christians recognizing the work of Satan and exercising their own Godgiven authority over this invisible enemy? “Throughout the years I have noticed that too often even trained Christian counselors totally ignore all references to Satan (and/or demons) in the process of bringing their clients to spiritual wholeness. Though biblically trained, they do not address the work of the evil one even when it should be apparent to them. “My challenge: Read Karl Payne’s book with your Bible open. He challenges our assumptions and helps us to see that Satan even assumes free reign in the lives of Christians who don’t know how to overcome their enemy’s constant bombardment of their minds and emotions. This book helps us understand how we can be free from the enemy’s grip and help others experience the freedom Christ purchased for us at high cost.
Spiritual warfare is one of those tricky topics in the Church. Some avoid the issue all together; others believe that whenever something bad happens, the devil did it. But there are those few who are spot-on, biblically accurate, and unashamed of declaring what God’s Word says on this crucial issue. Dr. Karl Payne is one of those marvelous exceptions. I believe his writings and teachings on spiritual warfare are some of the most balanced, informative and accurate on the topic. This book is a treasured addition to my library and I would recommend it as required reading for everyone in the Church who desires to know how to be a victorious overcomer.
Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization and Deliverance was given to me by my mother, Anne Graham Lotz. After receiving a copy, I read it twice! I made notes and underlined many things that Dr. Payne addressed. He writes in a way that puts the cookie jar on the bottom shelf so that anyone can access the treasures within. This book is Biblically based and very practical in its application. I highly recommend this book to pastors, seminary students and laymen.
As a pastor and New Testament scholar, I warmly welcome this new edition of Karl Payne’s Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization, and Deliverance. Karl has spoken to our students at Talbot School of Theology, and his book has become our number one resource for engaging in spiritual warfare in my church. Karl’s step-by-step guidelines for engaging the enemy have resulted in genuine deliverance and spiritual renewal for numbers of our people.
In the past 2 decades a flurry of new books on spiritual warfare have been published but at the very top of this list is Karl Payne’s book entitled Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization, and Deliverance. Dr. Payne, speaking as a pastor addresses the spiritual needs of ordinary people who struggle with sin. He addresses the source of that problem by pointing out the three-fold source of sin—the world, the flesh, and the devil. The problem facing many ministers of the Gospel is that they are willing to address the roots of sin as the world and the flesh but are timid to address the role of Satan and his minions in provoking sin. Dr. Payne addresses all three roots of sin and shows how they can all be addressed in a way that will not create satanic hysteria but leads to true freedom in Christ. For anyone wondering how to sanely address the spiritual temptations in their life this is the best book I can recommend. I use it in my class on spiritual warfare, and in my counseling concerned Christians.
Karl Payne is a gifted practitioner and writer. He is an expert on the subject of spiritual warfare and has extensive experience treating individuals with demonization. His wealth of knowledge and clear communication style make Spiritual Warfare mandatory reading for anyone interested in this fascinating topic.
In the 25 years that I have personally been taught, discipled, and challenged by Karl Payne, I have also personally witnessed him Biblically navigate the spiritual warfare realm. This book brings great clarity to the battle that wages daily all around us. This book reveals not only the predictable tactics of the deceiver but also how to recognize which weapons of spiritual warfare are necessary to battle each of them.
Karl Payne, KP as I affectionately call him, has been effectively equipping saints all over the world, for 40+ years, to live the victorious life, free from bondage, that Jesus purchased for all believers. I am convinced that this book will not only bless you, but your entire circle of influence God has blessed you with.
I have been recommending my friend Karl Payne’s Spiritual Warfare since the first edition appeared nearly 13 years ago. This new edition is an improvement on a great resource. It steers a biblically wise path between those who see a demon behind every bush and those who effectively deny demonic activity today. Karl knows there are demons behind some bushes and shows us how to identify and deal with them in most practical ways. While he and I differ on some methodological issues, we completely agree on the theology and the reality that we must be equipped to wrestle against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Dr. Karl Payne has provided a wonderful tool to take the truly born-again believer from skin deep service, to a full heart Christian life of God’s wisdom, discernment and purpose, freeing them and many others from fears, discouragement, doubt, hopelessness and despair. After serving over 50 years in ministry to God’s church, on the street, in jails and prisons and oh so much more, I believe this wonderful concise, Biblical tool should be in every ministers, missionaries and Christian workers’ hands—worldwide. Please Lord! I would have loved to have had this book to help equip me over 30 years ago!
Karl Payne is an able communicator of how the darkness is operative in today’s world, and especially in the lives of individuals. He also effectively communicates the way we can find victory and the liberty that God wants us to enjoy. He has been on our radio program and we have also used him as a conference speaker. Karl Payne has much to say to us in days of moral and spiritual confusion.
Dr. Payne offers to readers and practitioners alike a Biblically well-balanced approach in dealing with those either being demonized or concerned they might be. His many years as a pastor/counselor in this often overlooked or shunned area is peppered with both grace and truth. I have been a colleague and friend of Karl’s for several years. He assists me in teaching the Spiritual Warfare class at Tozer Seminary. As a pastor/ professor/clinical psychologist it can be exceptionally difficult to diagnose and differentiate between a legitimate mental health issue and a supernatural spiritual matter. Out of over 30 books I have read regarding Spiritual Warfare, Dr. Payne’s treatment stands out as the best in offering relief and truth to a troubled soul. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is researching this topic in an attempt to understand it more fully or in helping others to break any strongholds of our Adversary.
Karl I. Payne’s book, Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization and Deliverance, is biblically based; practical, readable, and transferable. It is a game plan or training manual that helps readers learn how to successfully recognize and respond to attacks from the world, the flesh and the devil. It takes the fear and confusion out of the subject of spiritual warfare. Karl approaches deliverance in a straightforward, nonsensational manner that is ultimately dependent upon Scripture, the authority Jesus Christ has delegated to all true Christians, and God’s intercession; not degrees, titles, denominational loyalties, spiritual gifting or personality. Karl likes to say that as Christians, we are victors in this conflict, not helpless victims, ‘We win because Jesus Christ has won.’ The bottom line is that the principles he has shared in this book work in our daily battles with the world, the flesh and the devil. As a former professional athlete, I preferred to prepare and plan to win, believing I could make a difference on the field. Karl’s book is a biblical tool that will help you prepare and plan to win in spiritual warfare conflicts. As Christians, winning more battles than we lose should be viewed as normal, not extraordinary. Run to win! My wife and I would both like to encourage you to buy a copy of this book, put the biblical teaching and principles to work for yourself, and then share what you have learned with someone else.
Karl Payne’s book Spiritual Warfare is a gift from God to the Body of Christ! The subject of Spiritual Warfare is consistently discussed and debated among believers but it cannot be ignored any longer since the stakes are too high. After reading Karl’s book and inviting him to speak at different events it’s easy to see why God has raised him up to help the church understand the authority in Christ we have been given to stand against the dark forces of the enemy. He is passionate, Biblical, and an excellent communicator. “As a pastor, I knew the verse well; “the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to demolish strongholds.” II Cor 10:4 I just didn’t know how to use my weapons effectively. Karl taught me, my wife JoAnn and my family how to do just that. Since we work in the Middle East, I doubt we would have lasted for over two decades if we did not know how to put on the Armor of God and stand against the demonic strongholds that are entrenched in this volatile region. “Thank you Karl! Spiritual Warfare is a classic that every Christian should read. I highly recommend it and am honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a warrior for Christ. Jesus has won the victory and this book will show you how to walk in it daily!”
Karl has written one of the clearest and most practical presentations on the realities of spiritual battle on the market today. I recommend this book everywhere I teach.” —MARCUS WARNER, PRESIDENT DEEPER WALK INTERNATIONAL “Karl Payne is the preeminent voice in Spiritual Warfare in today’s culture. We have been blessed beyond measure to experience his wisdom and expertise professionally and personally. He has used his gifting through the decades with countless believers seeking freedom from generational sin and the enemy’s warfare. This book is a wonderful resource and tool for those desiring to learn and fight against the battles that are not merely flesh and blood. Thank you Karl, for your heart to love those in need, and shine light into the spiritual darkness and battle.
Spiritual warfare is all around us but more often than not we don’t recognize it for what it is. Karl’s years of experience in setting people free from the strongholds that held them captive has made him a trusted and very informed resources on this subject. His book, Spiritual Warfare, sheds light on the Biblical understanding of the fierce battle we face as followers of Jesus living in a fallen world. Karl provides the perfect balance of solid Scriptural teaching and practical help as he guides the reader on how to break the chains that bind, in the Name and authority of Christ. “My husband, Tom and l, have used the wisdom we have gleaned from Karl, though his friendship and the pages of Spiritual Warfare to help countless people find freedom. In John 10:10, Jesus said the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy, but He came to give us life, and life abundantly. The abundant life Jesus died to purchase for us is possible when we walk in freedom. Spiritual Warfare will give you insight into your own life and give you tools to help you experience all Christ has for you, and those you love.
I met Dr. Karl Payne for the first time at a Spiritual Warfare Conference a decade ago where we were both speakers on the subject. We have been “Battle Brothers” ever since, even traveling to India together in 2019, speaking at various prisons, addiction recovery centers, and TNT orphanage. “I can endorse Dr Karl Payne wholeheartedly because he is an authentic, time tested, Warrior-Shepherd who is tender with sheep, yet fierce against the enemy; a real-life general in God’s army. He has a vast array of spiritual gifts that include teaching, discipleship training, author, and public speaker at conferences with decades of real-life experiences of dealing in the trenches with Spiritual Warfare issues with countless people who were brokenhearted, oppressed by demons, and under all sorts of spiritual attack; now set free in Christ. “Spiritual Warfare is a must read for every Christian who desires to hear and obey the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to “Go and make disciples.” This book is packed full of prayers and practical strategies to defeat Satan’s plan to bring division, deception, distraction, and discouragement as God allows us to be His co-laborers. “Karl’s book is like a soldier’s field manual of how to win most spiritual battles from an author who has thousands of hours of real-life experience and who can be trusted.
Pilots use simulators as a tool to improve awareness and to be prepared for events which may require that skill. In the Bible, we see that the Lord also provides training for people to succeed in His Kingdom work. Dr. Karl Payne’s Spiritual Warfare is a God-defined and accurate tool which will equip us to be effective disciples of Christ.
Evangelists proclaim the Gospel, pastors shepherd their flocks, and counselors counsel. But who helps Christian believers when they find themselves secretly oppressed by exceedingly dark thoughts, feelings and inner voices—blasphemous, depressed, self-condemning—mental torment that persists despite their prayers and best efforts to break free? “Such demonic oppression—which the Apostle Paul refers to as wrestling “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world”—is far more common than most people realize, and Christians are not immune. Yet most pastors and religious counselors are simply not trained and prepared to do battle with this invisible enemy and bring freedom and permanent healing to the afflicted. “Fortunately, in Spiritual Warfare, Karl Payne offers nothing less than an authoritative yet readily understandable guidebook, based on his decades of experience on the front lines of just such battles. He lays out exactly how to defeat this eminently conquerable foe—calmly, effectively and biblically. A rare gem of a Christian book.
The mark of any great instructor is making complex material accessible for the everyman. Karl Payne’s writing has this in spades. This book is more than a theological treatise on a difficult subject; It is a handbook that every pastor and layman ought to have in their library. I am a better shepherd because of Karl’s material & training. I have witnessed individuals liberated from years of demonic oppression. I have seen joy return to those who once lived under the crushing weight of mental accusations. This book is a gift to all who have known darkness in this life & wondered if Jesus could actually heal. Thank you Karl for having the courage to pen this book.
There have been several moments in my life that significantly altered my spiritual direction. When the fruit of these moments occurred, moments such as discovering Karl Payne’s work in spiritual warfare, the positive impact was undeniable. “Karl’s works are solid, effective and practical. I have referred thousands of people around the world to his writings. I’ve seen firsthand the biblical truths and principles he teaches free spiritually oppressed people from around the globe including those in ISIS territory in the Middle East. I encourage every Christian to have this book as a resource for effective spiritual warfare—it’s essential in these times!
Karl Payne’s Spiritual Warfare book was a game changer for me as a pastor and Christian. I had read several books on the topic and was struggling to find something that held a firm tension between biblical integrity and practical reality in the realm of spiritual warfare. Payne’s book does this as well as any I’ve read. It helped me, our church leaders, and our whole church develop a healthy framework for the reality of spiritual warfare while providing practical tools to help people find victory. “Payne’s book is unique in this category of books. It sets the fuller context of the battles we face as Christians. By framing his book around the three battles we face; the world, the flesh and the devil, he avoids putting every battle under one umbrella. He provides practical, biblical tools to best diagnose the battle, or battles, you may be facing and stand firm. This book won’t just inform you about spiritual warfare, it will equip you to properly engage the battle and experience victory. I cannot recommend it highly enough!
As a Christian Counselor, Karl’s training and his book, Spiritual Warfare, were eye-opening and impactful. As a result, I am better equipped to discern and help my clients resolve their spiritual issues. What I learned from Karl’s teaching has deepened the way I pray, think, and practice therapy.
After seminary, I found I needed additional training to help others who were spiritually oppressed. I was encouraged to read Karl Payne’s book, Spiritual Warfare. His book better equipped me to address issues related to spiritual intrusion as I met with people in my pastoral and counseling ministry. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to share the truth Karl unpacks in this book with pastors and counselors, and have watched them become better skilled at addressing their spiritual warfare concerns.
Testimonials – TCT Series
Dr. Payne’s passion is to instill in believer’s an authentic Christianity – one that lives, moves and packs a life-transforming punch. He is one of those rare brainiacs, like C.S. Lewis, who can plum the depths of our reason for being and communicate it in a way a child can understand, appreciate and act upon. His Transferable Cross Training materials are well researched and concise – the product of a lifetime of intense study and practice. I guarantee you will be both challenged and inspired, even as you are equipped.
—Robert Case
Bellevue, WA, Calvary Chapel Eastside
In a rushed society where Christians get their fellowship over the internet and are content to take fill-in-the-blank Bible classes, is it any wonder that the Church has lost the fine art of disciple-making? Dr. Karl Payne has drawn the proverbial line in the sand and offered us something different than a ministerial machine that churns out endless rows of Cookie-cutter believers. Developed over decades of practical work in the trenches, his material equips soldiers for effective service in the real world. His life-on-life approach to training people is a welcome protest to the kinds of programs we are used to offering people in our churches. I cannot recommend this strongly enough.
—James Hansen
Academic Dean
imago Dei institute
Transferable Cross Training is a vital tool for every Christ-follower. The content is understandable, memorable and action-oriented. I often refer to this material in my personal evangelism and disciple-making, and I frequently reference it in my weekly message preparation. Thank you for this valuable tool!
—Gregg Farah
Author, Pastor
New York, NY, Mosaic Manhattan Church
Going through the TCT lessons has been a great investment in time. It has strengthen my faith and given me the confidence to share what I have learned with others. The lessons are short, to the point, with great illustrations to help you understand the verses that you are going over. The lessons are easy to remember and easy to pass on to others. I would recommend TCT to anyone!
—John Olerud
MLB (Retired)
Karl Payne’s handling of the Word and his transfer of this knowledge to me is the primary factor in my effectiveness in ministry and life as an NFL player over the last decade, not to mention as a husband, father, and friend. He epitomizes the essence of Paul’s challenge to the Body in 2 TIMOTHY 2:2.
—Todd Peterson
Placekicker, NFL Retired
Surely, God’s hand was on Karl as he wrote these booklets. They have become the catalyst for me to serve Christ as a reverent disciple. I now have a Biblically trustworthy “tool” to spread the Gospel to my workmates in ways I never imagined possible. This quiet transformation of confidence within me, along with the material, has sparked others to do the same. Truly, business performance is dramatically improving as we practice these foundational principles.
—Bill Cahill
former NFL player; currently, Boeing Quality Management Organization
I feel privileged to have been able to sit and learn from Karl Payne and I am thankful that this series has been developed. I have used the concepts that I have learned from the TCT discipleship series in countless talks ranging from talking to an auditorium of youth, to a random encounter on the street. It is easy, accurate, and effective. Most importantly it is transferable. It is our charge as Christians to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20) and this resource makes it very possible. Karl, by God’s grace, you have done so much in my life; most of which you haven’t seen. Because of you, I have a strong foundation upon which my faith was built. In my walk with Christ, I have learned that being a Christian isn’t about perfection, but it’s about forgiveness. It’s about understanding what God has called me to be and what He has called me to do. Through your leadership, discipleship, and friendship I have become a better dad, husband, and follower. I thank you brother.
—Kevin Mawae
NFL Retired
Dr. Karl Payne is my friend and mentor. His ability to take the truth of God’s word and make it transferable to every walk of life is amazing. I am a Technical Fellow and Software Architect at The Boeing Company and have served as teacher, pastor and elder at several churches. I use the Transferable Cross Training material with small groups, with business professionals at work, and in my own family with my teenage boys and pre-school girls. Anyone ready to know God’s Word and to give it away will find this training invaluable.
—David Nelson
Technical Fellow & Software Architect
Boeing Company
We have had the privilege of partnering with Karl Payne, Leadership Development Pastor at Antioch Bible Church, who has ministered here at Lake Retreat Camp & Conference Center a number of times. Karl is a gifted communicator who connects with a broad spectrum of groups on a number of different topics. He has spoken at our High School Camp, Men’s Retreat and staff training a number of years. Some of his areas of expertise are cultural apologetics, spiritual warfare and leadership development (discipleship).
—Matt Wimmer
Balance Advisor, Founder
Karl Payne’s Transferable Cross Training series is designed and organized for you to learn it and pass it on. It will prepare you and get you in shape for when you are called upon to step up. This is useful, meaningful stuff. The material is immediately usable and adaptable for teaching classes at church and for family devotions.
When I attended TCT classes with my teenage sons, Karl warned us, “Once you learn this, an opportunity will arise for you to use it.” And it did for us. I was asked to step in and teach the high school class at my church for several months at the end of the school year. I immediately knew what I could teach and how to teach it. When I asked the high school students what they wanted to cover, I realized that I could pull topics and lessons from the TCT materials to address what they really needed. In addition, my sons were eager to explain the TCT lessons to their dad: instant student-led family devotions.
TCT series is very valuable for the thoughtful selection and organization of the topics, Scripture verses, and discussion outlines. The topics are chosen to address the essential questions that come up as Christian faith grows. The Scripture verses, the basic framework for the lessons, are presented in a way that helps you remember them. The discussion outlines give examples and illustrations that make it easier for you to recall and communicate the lessons yourself.
In the classroom, Karl Payne has a wise and wonderful way of knitting the students together in fellowship that enhances their ability to pray for each other and to be open to learn the lessons. His powerful combination of understanding, caring, and straight talk is effective for all ages, especially for teens and their parents.
—Marta Brown
home school mom
As a homeschooling parent and Pastor’s wife, I am passionate about making God’s Word practical and accessible to my children and the women in our church. Karl Payne has that same passion and his enthusiasm is contagious. He handles the Word of God with great respect and skill, challenging the hearer to love and live Truth. My teen-aged son has taken two classes with Dr. Payne, and Karl has been a powerful voice in his young life. With memorable illustrations and outlines, Dr. Payne plants the truths that empower God’s people to walk as “more than conquerors.” Just recently I spoke with a mom who had been sitting in on Karl’s Cross Training class. She was beaming as she spoke of a message she had just heard that she could put into practice in her own life right away. He isn’t just for kids!
—Kim Case
Dr. Payne’s passion is to instill in believer’s an authentic Christianity – one that lives, moves and packs a life-transforming punch. He is one of those rare brainiacs, like C.S. Lewis, who can plum the depths of our reason for being and communicate it in a way a child can understand, appreciate and act upon. His Transferable Cross Training materials are well researched and concise – the product of a lifetime of intense study and practice. I guarantee you will be both challenged and inspired, even as you are equipped.
—Tom Jones
Camp Director
Lake Retreat Camp and Conference Center, Retired
I am a 50 plus year old mother of 3 daughters. Several years ago, when my oldest daughter came home from school and asked for an answer to a question she had been challenged with by a schoolmate, I couldn’t give her a concise reply. I decided to take the TCT discipleship class.
I took it twice, because I wanted to have answers at my fingertips the next time one of my daughters needed an answer as to why we believe what we believe. My own parents had not been able to answer the same questions. Questions about what makes Christianity unique among the religions of the world, what makes Jesus unique among religious founders, why we should accept the Bible as gospel truth, how the Bible answers the challenges presented by the scientific community.
As a result of having taken the TCT Essentials and Apologetics classes, I have found confidence and the quiet boldness that comes with “being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. (I Peter 3:15).
For yourself, and for the benefit of those the Lord will soon bring you in contact with, I highly recommend these classes, whether you have been a believer for 3 months, or 30 years.
—Joyce Behrends
I would like to take a moment to give thanks to God for allowing me to be a part of Antioch Bible Church. Before I became a member, I had the opportunity to learn more about God and His Word by taking classes like TCT discipleship 1 and 2, systematic theology and hermeneutics. These classes have fueled my intensity to know more about God and His plans for my life. I now serve as a deacon, and feel the desire to share with the body all that I’ve come to know about God and the deep truths of His Word.
—Daniel Henry
Banking Associate
Are you suffering from a verbal shredding by faith-naysayers’ with whom you’ve attempted to share God’s Word? This book is PURE ”Simplicity” and “In-Depth” Apologetics training! With this book you will no-longer be embarrass, humiliated, or verbally shredded, while trying to take faith prisoners. With your faith in Christ and the training offered through this TCT Apologetics book you’ll be able to be one who makes a difference by helping others become Genuine Faith Believers and lasting followers in Christ Our Lord.
—Jack Smelser
Redmond, WA
Senior Long Term Care and Life Specialist
I began using Karl’s material when I was a senior in high school; the ease of transferability was extremely helpful. Each TCT book offers any believer a solid foundation to not only learn how to give reasonable answers for reasonable questions, but it also proves to be a great tool for equipping others with the same foundation. Karl’s TCT material is good for any age group to learn AND give away! This material removes any excuse for why you can’t learn what you believe and then give it away.
—Rob Faucette
Grade School Teacher